• Nagłówek


          One of many popular sports nowadays is basketball. It is a team sport. In basketball match there are two teams that consist of five basketballers playing against each other and trying to score points by throwing the ball into the basket.  The game was created in 1891 by a physical education teacher, James Naismith. He created the team game, which  could be cultivated by college students during winter in the Gym. In the past basketball players used to play with the soccer ball. Basketball rules are simple. The game became more and more popular. The pitch is a flat, hard surface, measuring 28 m long and 15 m wide, measured from the inner edge of the line.  Baskets are placed at the height of 3.05 meters. Points are obtained by placing the ball in the basket. Other important elements are the basketball, two baskets.

          Football - Piłka Nożna

          Football is played on the pitch, professional one is 90m wide and 100m long. The match lasts 90 minutes, with the break of 15 minutes – There are two halves for 45 minutes each. The referee can add a few minutes of playing according to the numbers of faults. There are 11 players in each team including the goalkeeper, the coach decides about changing players during the game, once the player leaves the pitch, he cannot come back to the game. The coach can change only three players during the match. Players of each team wear specific clothes which differ them from the players of the opposite team. Players cannot use hands during the game, except for the goalkeeper; however, they can use not only their feet but also heads and chests to hit the ball. The aim of the game is to score the biggest number of goals. Penalty kicks are shot from 11 meters and free kicks depend on the place of the fault. There is one main referee and two additional ones on the two sides of the pitch. Players can get yellow or red card. Yellow card stands for the reminder, two yellow cards force the player to leave the pitch, in such situation the player cannot come back to the game, and the team lacks one person.

          Fencing - Szermierka

          Sport Fencing is an Olympic sport since 1896, one of the four sports that were previously played on all modern Olympics. Fencing competition is also one of the competition in the modern pentathlon.

          The first records of the schools of fencing date back to the twelfth century. At first the most popular to use was fencing sword and a small shield, but in the sixteenth century, more popular was the rapier. From the seventeenth to the nineteenth century there were popular dueling masters of fencing, which often ended in the death of one of the participants. In the eighteenth century France there appeared a floret which allowed asking quick and impressive thrust. It was smaller and more secure than the sword, which gave fencing a more elegant character. In the nineteenth century, fights with melee weapons were seen as a matter of honor. In addition to the foil back into use came saber. Classical fencing initiated fencing school in Italy and France. The first Olympic Games, which appeared three disciplines of fencing, or foil, saber and sword took place in 1896. In 1936 during a duel with swords was replaced with the apparatus which gave a signal when a player was hit, and with the time system which is valid still today.


          Dziedzina sportu odbywająca się na wodzie podczas, której sportowiec używając większości mięśni wprawia łódź w ruch. Zawodnik siedzi tyłem do kierunku, w którym się przemieszcza się. Jedyną osobą zwróconą frontem do kierunku przemieszczania jest sternik. Początkowo ten sposób przemieszania był używany jako środek komunikacji, najczęściej przez kupców np. w starożytnym Egipcie. Łodzie miały wtedy nieco inną budowę, były większe a ich najważniejszym przeznaczeniem było przewożenie towarów na wymianę. Miały one zatem być pakowne. Łodzie były napędzane przez galerników, którzy przeważnie byli niewolnikami spędzającymi większość swojego na tej morderczej pracy.